Kyle came up for the weekend so we met up with Dan to try to get into some fatties. We met up early and headed out to a river that Dan has fished for a long time. I'm always excited to fish new water, especially the type that is supposed to hold fat browns. We got to the first spot and after about 15 minutes Kyle was geared up and ready to fish. Things started off pretty decent, Dan got into some really nice fish, a few of which sadly came unbuttoned before he could land them. It wasn't too long and I was into my first fish on this new river.

Dan and I had a couple of fish under our belts, and Kyle had yet to hook up with anything. After missing a couple (dozen) hooksets, Dan offered to let Kyle hold one of his fish so he didn't go home empty handed. Dan is a nice guy like that.

To help Kyle hook a dang fish, I even counted down for him. He casted upstream and I counted, 5...4...3...2...1... and just after I said one, his indicator tanked. Don't worry, he missed that hookset too. Can't do any more than that for ya buddy. Dan grew up right near this river, so he knows all the money holes. He took us to a private stretch of water and we started fishing. Kyle was re-tying up his rig, which he did most of the day, so I decided to throw my bugs in just ahead of him. It wasn't long and I had this fat boy on, I was really excited, my biggest brown and biggest fish out of a river to date.

We continued to fish, and after about 6 hours Kyle finally hooked up with something other than moss. It was actually a really nice fish, and we were happy that he got that skunk off, it was stinkin' real bad. We continued to fish and got into some really nice ones. We took a dinner break and then headed to a more popular spot of the river. We only fished it for a short time, but Kyle took his necassary swim when he stepped into a hole that took him to his neck until he swam out. Hilarious.